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Exclusive Services

We are proud to offer Laser Hair removal and Photo Facials. These services allow us to support our clients evolving self. We want to bring the latest and greatest technology to you and continue to surpass your expectations and fulfil your growing needs.

laser Hair removal

Diolaze XL :

New and innovative approach to laser hair removal using a gold

standard wavelength. With ultra-high-speed treatments thanks to its largest treatment spot sizes yet, Diolaze XL delivers safe and gentle results more effectively than other laser alternatives. 


This new system contains a sophisticated monitoring technology with an automatic shut-off feature designed to specifically protect your skin from over-heating, meaning you can Use Diolaze XL on more sensitive skin areas. Diolaze XL can safely be used on most zones of the body with unwanted hair including:

•     Upper lip,

•     Chin,

•     Sideburns,

•     Neck,

•     Underarms,

•     Arms,

•     Shoulders,

•     Back,

•     Abdomen,

•     Bikini and Brazilian,

•     Legs,  

•     Etc.




Optimal results—80-85% hair loss, is typically experienced by most patients after 4-6, 20-30 minute sessions. Depending on additional factors like hair texture, hair colour, and specific problem areas, the number of follow-ups required for any given patient will vary. That all to say, patients who stick to consistent laser hair removal appointments are more likely to achieve better, longer-lasting results.  Designed with state-of-the-art diode lasers, the Diolaze XL offers the most effective industry-leading hair removal treatment. The 3 piece cooling in the laser therapy device means patients can remain more comfortable with few breaks needed. Moreover, most patients say that Diolaze XL is a virtually painless process.

Photo Facials


Lumecca is a breakthrough intense pulsed light (IPL) that delivers up to 3X more energy in the 500-600 nm range to improve efficacy for vascular and pigmented lesions. It is optimized for clinicians to treat a variety of skin types and conditions with just a single session.


Age spots (red/ brown pigmentation)

Vascular lesions such as spider veins

Sun damage

Rosacea (redness)




The Lumecca™ IPL laser uses photo-thermolysis through the delivery of specific wavelengths of light which interact with red and brown pigments in the skin. These pigments absorb the light and are destroyed, often in one session. Lumecca has a high specificity and selectivity for pigmentation and redness created by sun damage and is one of the most powerful treatments for this purpose.


Lumecca can be used anywhere on the body. It is most commonly used in the areas

that are most exposed to the sun and need a helping hand! These are the face, neck

décolletage, hands, arms.

Let's Work Together


DiolazeXL has one of the largest treatment spot sizes, making treatments convenient and fast. The combination of efficacy, patient comfort and speed makes DiolazeXL a leader in laser hair removal. It is powerful enough to target and treat even the most stubborn hair.


Lumecca is the most powerful IPL provider to treat pigmented skin and vascular lesions. Its advanced technology is able to provide results faster than any other IPL providers. It uses a special handpiece which is equipped with xenon flash lamp to treat the areas effectively.

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